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SaY wHat ?!

We all know Internet is part of our lives and you gotta know how to communicate with it, by that I mean "letters meaning a whole idea".
You got the point, if you don´t know what those words below mean, you gotta start learning fast, lol!

AFAIK =» As Far As I Know
AFK =» Away From Keyboard
ASAP =» As Soon As Possible
BAS =» Big *** Smile
BBL =» Be Back Later
BBN =» Bye Bye Now
BBS =» Be Back Soon
BEG =» Big Evil Grin
BF =» Boyfriend
BIBO =» Beer In, Beer Out
BRB =» Be Right Back
BTW =» By The Way
BWL =» Bursting With Laughter
C&G =» Chuckle and Grin
CICO =» Coffee In, Coffee Out
CID =» Crying In Disgrace
CNP =» Continued (in my) Next Post
CP =» Chat Post(a chat message)
CRBT =» Crying Real Big Tears
CSG =» Chuckle Snicker Grin
CYA =» See You (Seeya)
CYAL8R =» See You Later (Seeyalata)
DLTBBB =» Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite
EG =» Evil Grin
EMSG =» Email Message
FC =» Fingers Crossed
FTBOMH =» From The Bottom Of My Heart
FYI =» For Your Information
FWIW =» For What It's Worth
GAL =» Get A Life
GF =» Girlfriend
GFN =» Gone For Now
GMBA =» Giggling My Butt Off
GMTA =» Great Minds Think Alike
GTSY =» Glad To See You
H&K =» Hug and Kiss
HABU =» Have A Better 'Un
HAGN =» Have A Good Night
HAGU =» Have A Good 'Un
HHIS =» Hanging Head in Shame
HUB =» Head Up Butt
IAE =» In Any Event
IC =» I See
IGP =» I Gotta Pee
IMNSHO =» In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO =» In My Opinion
IMCO =» In My Considered Opinion
IMHO =» In My Humble Opinion
IOW =» In Other Words
IRL =» In Real Life
IWALU =» I Will Always Love You
JMO =» Just My Opinion
JTLYK =» Just To Let You Know
KIT =» Keep In Touch
KOC =» Kiss On Cheek
KOL =» Kiss On Lips
L8R =» Later
L8R G8R =» Later 'Gater
LHM =» Lord Help Me
LHO =» Laughing Head Off
LHU =» Lord Help Us
LMAO =» Laughing My *** Off
LMSO =» Laughing My Socks Off
LOL =» Laugh Out Loud
LSHMBB =» Laughing So Hard My Belly is Bouncing
LSHMBH =» Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts
LSHTTARDML =» Laughing So Hard The Tears Are Running Down My Leg
LTNS =» Long Time No See
LTS =» Laughing To Self
LUWAMH =» Love You With All My Heart
LY =» Love Ya
MTF =» More To Follow
NRN =» No Reply Necessary
NADT =» Not A Darn Thing
OIC =» Oh, I See
OL =» Old Lady (significant other)
OM =» Old Man (significant other)
OTOH =» On The Other Hand
OTTOMH =» Off The Top of My Head
PDS =» Please Don't Shoot
PITA =» Pain In The ***
PM =» Private Message
PMFJI =» Pardon Me For Jumping In
PMP =» Peed My Pants
POAHF =» Put On A Happy Face
QSL =» Reply
QSO =» Conversation
QT =» Cutie
ROFL =» Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLAPMP =» ROFL And Peeing My Pants
ROFLMAO =» ROFL My *** Off
ROFLUTSROFL =» Unable to Speak
RTFM =» Read The F****** Manual!
SETE =» Smiling Ear To Ear
SHID =» Slaps Head In Disgust
SNERT =» Snot-Nosed Egotistical Rude Teenager
SO =» Significant Other
SOT =» Short Of Time
SOTMG =» Short Of Time Must Go
SWAK =» Sealed With A Kiss
SWAS =» Scientific Wild *** Guess
SWL =» Screaming with Laughter
SYS =» See You Soon
TA =» Thanks Again
TGIF =» Thank God It's Friday
TCOY =» Take Care Of Yourself
TILII =» Tell It Like It Is
TNT =» Till Next Time
TOY =» Thinking Of You
TTFN =» Ta Ta For Now
TTYL =» Talk To You Later
WAS =» Wild *** Guess
WB =» Welcome Back
WTH =» What/Who The Heck (or sub an 'F' for the 'H')
YBS =» You'll Be Sorry
YG =» Young Gentleman
YL =» Young Lady
YM =» Young Man

>Via Yahoo Answers

Haka Dance

"Haka" is a Maori (from New Zealand) war dance. The words are chanted loudly in a menacing way accompanied by arm actions and foot stamping. A haka was traditionally performed before charging into battle but are not exclusively war dances, it can be performed for amusement, as a hearty welcome to distinguished guests, or to acknowledge great achievements or occasions.
The New Zealand Rugby Team (the "All Blacks") will do the "Haka" prior to their games.

Watch some of their videos, very cool!

Watch some more if you like:
Link 1
Link 2

We always hear tales about mythical creatures, they appear on ancient Greece stories, in Egyptian, Roman, Irish, they are everywhere. So, I decided to post some of them on my blog as I am fascinated about them, I will try to make you feel the same way. Hope you like!

Let´s start with the Phoenix. Who hasn´t heard about them.
The phoenix is a bird with beautiful gold and red plumage. At the end of its life-cycle the phoenix builds itself a nest of cinnamon twigs that it then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix arises. The new phoenix is destined to live, usually, as long as the old one. In some stories, the new phoenix embalms the ashes of the old phoenix in an egg made of myrrh and deposits it in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis ("the city of the sun" in Greek). The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible — a symbol of fire and divinity.

Click Here to read the rest!

In Greek mythology, the Centaurs are a race of creatures composed of part human and part horse. In early Attic vase-paintings, they are depicted as the torso of a human joined at the (human's) waist to the horse's withers, where the horse's neck would be.
This half-human and half-animal composition has led many writers to treat them as liminal beings, caught between the two natures, embodied in contrasted myths, and as the embodiment of untamed nature, as in their battle with the Lapiths, or conversely as teachers, like Chiron.
Centaurs are thought of in many Greek myths as wild as untamed horses. Like the Titanomachy, the defeat of the Titans by the Olympian gods, the contests with the Centaurs typify the struggle between civilization and barbarism.

A werewolf is a mythological or folkloric being renowned for shape shifting into a wolf or wolflike creature, either purposely, by using magic, or after being placed under a curse.
Becoming a werewolf simply by being bitten by another werewolf as a form of contagion is common in modern horror fiction, but this kind of transmission is rare in legend, along with another form of this being "licked" by a werewolf to turn one's self (in this case the person is continuously a werewolf but has total control over the form, and has no blood lust, but gains increased strength and agility).

The dragon is a mythical creature typically depicted as a gigantic and powerful serpent or other reptile with magical or spiritual qualities. Dragons are often held to have major spiritual significance in various religions and cultures around the world. In many Eastern and Native American cultures dragons were, and in some cultures still are, revered as representative of the primal forces of nature and the universe.

In Greek mythology, Medusa was a monstrous chthonic female character; gazing upon her could turn onlookers to stone. She was beheaded by the human hero Perseus, who thereafter used her head as a weapon until giving it to the goddess Athena to place on her shield.
The hero slew Medusa by looking at her reflection in the mirror instead of directly at her to prevent being turned into stone. When the hero severed Medusa's head, from her neck two offspring sprang forth: the winged horse Pegasus and the giant Chrysaor who later became the hero wielding the golden sword.

Grim Reaper
The personification of death as a living, sentient entity is a concept that has existed in many societies since the beginning of recorded history. In Western cultures, death is usually given the name "The Grim Reaper" and shown as a skeletal figure carrying a large scythe, and wearing a midnight black gown, robe or cloak with a hood, or sometimes, a white burial shroud. Usually when portrayed in the black-hooded gown, only his eyes can be seen.

In mythology, Dwarves are much like humans, but generally prefer to live underground and/or in mountainous areas. There they have accumulated treasures of gold, silver, and precious stones, and pass their time in fabricating costly weapons and armor. They are famed miners and smiths although, like humans, they specialise in any number of trades. Generally shorter than humans, they are on average stockier and hairier, usually sporting full beards. Though slow runners and poor riders, dwarves are said to be excellent warriors and defenders of their strongholds.

In Greek mythology, the Lernaean Hydra was an ancient nameless serpent-like chthonic water beast that possessed numerous heads— the poets mention more heads than the vase-painters could paint— and poisonous breath. The Hydra of Lerna was killed by Heracles as one of his Twelve Labours.
Heracles later used an arrow dipped in the Hydra's poison blood to kill the centaur Nessus; and Nessus's tainted blood applied to the Tunic of Nessus eventually killed Heracles himself.

A mermaid is a legendary aquatic creature with the head and torso of human female and the tail of a fish. The male version of a mermaid is called a merman.
Mermaids in stories would sometimes sing to sailors and enchant them, distracting them from their work and causing them to walk off the deck or cause shipwrecks. Other stories would have them squeeze the life out of drowning men while trying to rescue them. They are also said to take them down to their underwater kingdoms.

Orcs are often portrayed as misshapen humanoids with brutal, warmongering, sadistic, yet cowardly tendencies, although some settings and writers describe them as a proud warrior race with a strong sense of honour. They are variously portrayed as physically stronger or weaker than humans, but always high in numbers. They often ride wolves or wargs. In many role-playing and computer games, Orcs have green skin and have faces that resemble a cross between a pig and a primate.

Kraken are sea monsters of gargantuan size that dwell in the depths of the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea. The sheer size and fearsome appearance attributed to the beasts have made them called ocean-dwelling monsters. The legend may actually have originated from sightings of real giant squid that are estimated to grow to 13 metres (46 feet) in length, including the tentacles. These creatures normally live at great depths, but have been sighted at the surface and reportedly have "attacked" small ships.

In Greek mythology, Pegasus was a winged horse that was the son of Poseidon, in his role as horse-god, and the Gorgon Medusa.
Pegasus was not immortal. Because of his faithful service Zeus honoured him with a constellation. On the last day of his life, when Zeus transformed him into a constellation, a single feather fell to the earth near the city of Tarsus.

The Yeti or Abominable Snowman is an apelike cryptid said to inhabit the Himalaya region of Nepal and Tibet. The names Yeti and Meh-Teh are commonly used by the people indigenous to the region, and are part of their history and mythology. Nepalese have various names for Yeti like "Bonmanche" which means "wild man" or "Kanchanjunga rachyyas" which means "Kanchanjunga's demon."
Most mainstream scientists, explorers and writers consider current evidence of the Yeti's existence to be weak and better explained as hoax, legend or misidentification of known species.

Dryads are female tree spirits in Greek mythology. Thus dryads are specifically the nymphs of oak trees, though the term has come to be used for all tree nymphs in general. Normally considered to be very shy creatures, except around the goddess Artemis who was known to be a friend to most nymphs.
Dryads, like all nymphs, were supernaturally long-lived and tied to their homes, but some were a step beyond most nymphs. These were the hamadryads who were an integral part of their trees, such that if the tree died, the hamadryad associated with it died as well. For these reasons, dryads and the Greek gods punished any mortals who harmed trees without first propitiating the tree-nymphs.

The salamander is an amphibian of the order Urodela. As with many real creatures, pre-modern authors often ascribed fantastic qualities to it, and in recent times some have come to identify a legendary salamander as a distinct concept from the real organism. This idea is most highly developed in the occult. Where the two concepts can be distinguished, the legendary salamander is most often depicted much like a typical salamander in shape, with a lizard-like form, but it is usually ascribed an affinity with fire (sometimes specifically elemental fire).

An elf is a creature of Germanic mythology which still survives in northern Europe. The elves were originally a race of minor nature and fertility gods, who are often pictured as youthful-seeming men and women of great beauty living in forests and underground places, or in wells and springs. They have been portrayed to be long-lived or immortal and as beings of magical powers.

>I had a hell of a job creating this post, hope you guys enjoy as much as I enjoyed creating it!

Phoenix: Info, Pic1, Pic2
Centaur: Info, Pic1, Pic2
Werewolf: Info, Pic1, Pic 2
Dragon: Info, Pic1, Pic2
Medusa: Info, Pic1, Pic2
Grim Reaper: Info, Pic1, Pic2
Dwarf: Info, Pic1, Pic2
Hydra: Info, Pic1, Pic2
Mermaid: Info, Pic1, Pic2
Orc: Info, Pic1, Pic2
Kraken: Info, Pic1, Pic2
Pegasus: Info, Pic1, Pic2
Yeti: Info, Pic1, Pic2
Dryad: Info, Pic1, Pic2
Salamander: Info, Pic1, Pic2
Elf: Info, Pic1, Pic2

Surreal Art

I don´t know about you people but i find surreal art pretty interesting. The way people create images based on other photos is amazing. Check the image above, the way he uses the candle as a lighthouse is amazing.
Enough talking, click on the image or on the following link for some more.
>Surreal Art

I posted some episodes about this game before, this is a new one. Very funny game indeed. You can check the other episodes on my old human tetris post.
>I will sure post new ones as soon as they come out on the Internet!

Harry Potter is back and now with his own music video. You can click to play on the video below and follow the lyrics or just visit the MySpace link.
>You can find the lyrics on the link above!


    I'm a boy named Harry both my parents are dead
    Now I'm hangin in the ghetto earnin wizard street

    In the common room crib I be chillin with the

    My homies and me be drinkin Butter Beer forties
    Malfoy is the boy I'd like to kick in the rump
    We're at each others throats just like Rosie & Trump
    I fight the 3 headed dog and I ride the big birdy
    Buckbeak is my Freak cuz she makes me feel dirty
    I pimped out my broomstick with 28 speakers
    I once cut a house elf just to take his sneakers
    Voldemort is my bitch, fool he aint no man
    I can't wait to bust a cap up in his Azkaban….


    TO THE "O",
    TO THE" T"
    TO THE "T",
    TO THE "E"

    GIRLS: He's the magic man
    he puts the hex in the city
    don't call him Harry Potter

    HARRY: 'cause my name is H. Piddy.

    (VERSE 2)

    When Dementors are near it's like the arctic zone
    So I Hufflepuff the chronic till the Sorcerer's Stoned
    At the drive thru in my Invisibility cloak
    For the Order of the Phoenix I'll take fries and a
    I eat Chocolate Frogs and booger flavor beans
    I be Grubbin on Hedwig's hot and spicy wings
    the muggles all see me as a nifty gent
    but I can take more bullets than 50 Cent.
    An evil spell can cause a bad reaction
    like a day care center run by Michael Jackson
    Drinkin Polly-Juice potion when I'm in the hood carousin'
    Doin' drive by magic on my Nimbus 2000


    TO THE "O",
    TO THE" T"
    TO THE "T",
    TO THE "E"
    GIRLS: He's the magic man
    he puts the hex in the city
    don't call him Harry Potter
    HARRY: 'cause my name is H. Piddy.

    (VERSE 3)

    Water skiing with Hagrid in the castle trough
    On the carpet eatin burgers like Hasslehoff
    I'm a bad boy wizard, I don't tolerate phonies
    I showed the world my privates in that show about
    I be ditchin my scarf, with the robe and the tie-
    got this bitchin gear from Fubu, and it's super-fly
    A wizard is judged by his ice and his threads,
    Galleon gold in my grill, extensions in my dreads
    The ladies all love me cause I look so fine
    I'm poppin out more babies than Federline
    2 parts pumpkin juice one part Mr. Pibb
    a dime bag of flu-powder to get back to the crib.
    A pinch of dragons eye and a smidge of toadstool
    one sip you're flying high, just like Paula Abdul


    TO THE "O",
    TO THE" T"
    TO THE "T",
    TO THE "E"
    GIRLS: He's the magic man
    he puts the hex in the city
    don't call him Harry Potter

    HARRY: 'cause my name is H Piddy.

    GIRLS: In the hood, in the hood, he's the wizard in the hood
    He uses magic powers for the forces of good
    He eradicates evil, he protects the poor

    HARRY: I get a little (pause) on my Dumbledoor!

You won´t believe the depth of these holes, it is incredible how humans got there or how nature created those giant holes! The image above is just a demo, click on it or here to check the other holes, as deep as the one above!

>Via: Linkinn

The reason is very simple, any person with basic knowledge on Photo Shop can easily create another picture based on yours!
Click Here or on the image and check the other edited photos, very funny!

>Via: Linkinn

Very funny video, a bird that really moonwalks. This bird deserves a post just for him. How come a bird can moonwalk and I can´t? Enjoy the video!

It doesn´t look like an International bridge but it really is. What you see are two islands that belong to different countries. The Island on the left is in Canada and the Island on the right is in the United States. Very weird!

>Via: Digg

The new cadbury´s ad is a success out there. Many videos were created in tribute to the real ad. So, I bring you some of them that are being watched every single day, cause it is very funny! This drummer gorilla is the real deal!

Cadburys Gorilla - Phil Collins

Click Here to Watch the Rest!

Cadburys Gorilla - 50 Cent Remix

Cadburys Gorilla - Guns and Roses

Cadburys Gorilla - Eclipse of the Heart

Cadburys Gorilla - A skillz

Cadburys Gorilla - I Wanna Be Like You

Anti Pacman

Very fun game, where you role is to kill the pacman. You heard, you control the ghosts and win by killing that yellow ball. This is pay back time, lol!

Amazing collection of photos, taken by Steve Bloom, trying to get in frames the african life! Stunning!

I will always have some space for funny stuff in my blog. Well, I got a collection of funny videos I found on the web that worth watching. Who does not need some fun after a stressful day in school or at work?
Enough of talking, let´s get down to business!
More to come ?!

Click Here to Watch the Rest!


The title says it all, how we got out from water and adapted to earth. The video does not show humans but it gives you a taste of history!

Ice Tsunami

Amazing photos of what seems to be an ice tsunami! Don´t ask me how the water got that shape and froze but it sure looks cool! Just click on the image!

Funny Collection of Mario´s Theme videos over the web!

Lost Cities

A collection of pictures about lost cities, includind Athens, Sparta, Thebes, Olympia and many more. Very cool link, takes you on a history tour. Enjoy it!

First trailer for Alien Vs. Predator - Requiem has been released. The second movie looks cooler than the first, we will just have to sit and wait to check it out!
Enjoy the official trailer!

>Via: Digg

Pretty funny game! In the Longevity Game you answer 12 questions and the game will tell you in an interactive way how long you are going to live. I got 87 years, post on the comments how long you are going to live for comparison and above all, have fun!

"The great tenor, Luciano Pavarotti, died today at 5:00 a.m. at his home in Modena, the city of his birth,"

The Maestro fought a long, tough battle against the pancreatic cancer which eventually took his life. In fitting with the approach that characterized his life and work, he remained positive until finally succumbing to the last stages of his illness.
You can read the full article here!

Well, Pavarotti was a great tenor, one of the best in my opinion, I had to pay some tribute to the guy that tought me what opera was like. We will miss you!

Exactly as the title says, 16 players at the same time playing Mario Kart, that would be awesome! Fans of Mario Kart and people who still possess the capacity to enjoy things just received tentative confirmation that their futures are going to be so bright that they'll need sunglasses. This time around, but Mario Kart on the Wii, online, it will be played with a maximum of 16 players.
The news was featured in a scan of the original Official Nintendo Magazine!
Let´s be patient and wait to get our hands on it!

>Thanks To: Gamernode

Global 500

These guys do know how to make money grow up on trees, lol! Check the list with the most fortunate companies in the world! I will post the first ten the rest you can check here! The list goes to 500! We are talking about millions of dollars here. I´ll leave their revenues and profits to the real list, if you are curious enough check the link above!

1- Wal-Mart Stores
2- Exxon Mobil
3- Royal Dutch Shell
4- BP
5- General Motors
6- Toyota Motor
7- Chevron
8- DaimlerChrysler
9- ConocoPhillips

So, you are looking for a specific location, you keep looking and searching suddenly you encounter some sort of sign or people having fun on the beach. If you can´t locate those coordinates no problem, click here or on the image and see some weird sights you can encounter next time you log in your google earth!

Firefox God

For those of you that uses Firefox, Mashable have a list with the best 300 Tools and Resources for the best browser in my opinion!
Actually, I´m using many resources right now, it makes your browser even better.
Click on the image, choose a tool of your choice, download it and start using, very simple!

I have no words to describe this video, they sure got skill!
It´s incredible how they can perform those moves with such balance and strenght. Great video, watch and enjoy!

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